Browsing Hades

Hades Thinks I Suck


I’ve just been told that I’m so unfair that even Hades would find my parenting tactics cruel.

Because I took away their dessert.

For fighting.

There is often a fine line between a hug and a headlock between my girls, but I had enough of the bickering tonight. I did the ole count to three and then they lost their dessert and eldest lost her mind. Being 10 is tough. I get that. I expect emotions to run high. What I didn’t expect was sass talking a la Percy Jackson.

After things calmed down, they took their showers. Undies tend to creep and do weird things when you don’t dry off well enough. As lilest was attempting to unwedge them, eldest continued her roll… “quit digging for gold and just call Hazel!”

Someday her wit will come in handy. Until then, she’s in her bed in their room texting me. 🙂

Now she's just trying to kiss up.

Now she’s just trying to kiss up.

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